
For everyone, I’m no one

For everyone I’m no one
For society I’m no one

If I meet someone new now what can I say ?

If this person ask me : 

“What are you doing ? Who are you ?”

I’m me, living life.
Following where life wants me to go.
I’m doing nothing else than living.

I write to understand what’s happening.
I share it sometimes with people.

I can say what I did today.
Even this it’s hard.
A lot of things happens.
In one day I think about a lot of things, learning things about me, about life, growing every second.
I’m always changing,
Every second, every word makes me change.
How can I explain who am I ?

You have to be with me to know. And even being with me you cannot really know.
You have a fragment of all of me.

Do with this.

I can’t explain what I do or who am I

Even me I don’t know.

I’m here, on earth, a human, I’m existing.

Feeling emotions, watching what’s around me, thinking, sometimes I draw, sometimes I take pictures, videos, sometimes I talk with people, I dance, I walk

Like how can I explain all the things I do ?
All the things I am

A human is so complex
It’s to complicated to explain who we are.

I struggle to say that I was an artist, to feel that I was an artist. Because when you say it it’s kind of pretentious. But when I finally was comfortable to say hello I’m laura, I’m an artist, i was already someone else.
I wasn’t an artist anymore, I didn’t want to create anything, didn’t want to take pictures, videos, draw, anything.
I just wanted to live.
So I was like euh sooooo now who am I ?
All the time when I try to define myself finally I was putting myself in a box.
And all the time this box didn’t fit with me.

I fit in no box.
Any human fit in a box.

So yes it’s easier when you meet someone to say hey I’m an artist, or I’m doing this instead of saying : 

– hello I’m a human and you ?

– Oh a human too.

– Waow amazing !

But when you don’t define yourself with what you do, who you are, or which box you fit in at this time, maybe you can talk about who your soul is.

this question goes a step further.

Who is my soul ?
What my soul like ?
What my soul want ?


For now I think I can’t answer those questions.
September 15, 01:26

Too tired bye 🙂