
Everything is here

Where is home ?

Home is is here, inside of you

Look at things inside,

This thing, solid, grounded, connected

This solid part who knows.

Everything is here, already here.

Waiting for you to open your eyes,

Unlock your heart, the one you try to protect by letting nothing and no one enter.

This is not how you live life.

You can’t half live.

Go into it, jump and see.

Let yourself goes.

You’re protected, always.

We are here with you.

You’re not weak, see what you’ve already done.

You don’t need to suffer all the time,

You don’t need a challenge to have a reason to live.

Now, look,


You can relax, enjoy


You’ve done it.



I wrote this one night when i was feeling really lonely, lost, anxious. 

Now I know how to found the force inside of me and be my own therapist but it wasn’t like this, i learned, i’m still learning.

But guys i remember some times when i was soooo lost, and so scared, I didn’t knew what to do, i was really scared of life, what can i do to get out of my shit ? How can i have the life i want ? Is that really possible ? I mean possible for me ? 

You can relate ?

So the Visual & Soul Orgasm Membership is for you honey.

It’s not only something when you receive beautiful gifts, it’s the way to reconnect with you, with your power. 

The power to create the life you want, to receive all the abundance in your life, receive all the love you deserve, all the money you deserve. With the Soul Orgasm Newsletter you make space for what you love, for what is really important, you make space and take time for you. You know what you want and you shake your life to get it.

Taking time for you, for what you love is the only way to have the life you want, you can’t do something you don’t love and continue to do it for years and then at the end have the life you want, yes it make sense, it’s obvious, but why do you continue to study something you don’t really like ? Why are you still working in this job that makes you feel more and more tired ? You feel you’re not in the rigth place ? But you don’t know what else to do ? You want to leave right ? But for what ?

Ohhh I know honey, i was like you, i know the struggle, the frustration.

But don’t worry honey, there’s answers, there’s some tips to get out of your shit, to get the life you want, i share this with you in the Soul Orgasm Newsletter 😉 

Your life can wait ? So why are you waiting ?

Don’t wait and join the Visual & Soul Orgasm Membership !